Boyce Hydro Power, LLC
SBA 7(a) Loan
Edenville, Gladwin &
Sanford, Michigan
Over the years, Thomas USAF Group originated $4.657 Million in SBA 7(a) loans and $2.5 Million in USDA B&I loans for Boyce Hydro Power, LLC. Our most recent $2.5 Million USDA B&I loan funded a new, state of the art turbine and related equipment for the Sanford, Michigan dam. Hydroelectric power is a renewable energy source and the new turbine is estimated to add nearly 3 million in kWh production for the Sanford, Michigan dam. Boyce Hydro Power operates four hydroelectric power stations with associated dams and reservoirs along a 42 mile stretch of the Tittawabassee River in Central Michigan. These power plants have been in operation for more than 85 years. The power produced by the plants is sold under a Power Purchase Agreement to Consumers Energy into their grid for distribution to customers since 1923.