August 28, 2018

Atlanta, Georgia

Over 150 Attendees
The Rural Community Infrastructure P3 in Atlanta, Georgia on August 28th attracted 155 industry leaders committed to providing access to capital to Rural America.
The National Rural Lenders’ Roundtable, Raymond James and Touchmark National Bank hosted and sponsored this P3 meeting to spur investment in Rural America and leverage private sector capital with USDA’s Community Facilities Loan Program staff.
Attending this event were government guaranteed lenders, capital credit markets, industry experts on rural transportation, education, healthcare and the private sector and Rural Development Program Directors from State and National Office.
In addition to industry experts and the capital credit markets, speakers included the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Department of Transportation (DOT), to assist in developing strategies, create synergies and explore opportunities for collaboration to strengthen investment in rural infrastructure and foster rural prosperity.


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